4SUITES & Cloudbeds Integration
How can I sign up for 4SUITES?
To sign up for 4SUITES, simply contact our Sales team at sales@4suites.io or www.4suiteshq.com/contact-us/
How can I connect 4SUITES with Cloudbeds for the first time?
Please contact our 4SUITES support team to set up the integration.
What is the specific functionality of the integration?
4SUITES offers cloud-based mobile access without the need to download an app.
Enjoy the following benefits once you connect your Cloudbeds PMS to our intelligent access solutions:
This is how it works for a guest when Cloudbeds is connected to 4SUITES:
- After the guest is checked, he/she immediately receives an email with a link to his/her digital key
- After clicking on the link, the guest will see the doors he has access to and can choose which door he would like to open. No app install is needed!
- The email with a link to open the doors can be shared with travel companions so they can also open the door via their smartphone.
This is how the integration with Cloudbeds works from a hotel point of view:
- After a room change in Cloudbeds, access to the room is also changed within seconds in 4SUITES.
- If the e-mail address in Cloudbeds changes after check-in, the guest will immediately receive an email with a new link.
- After checkout of the guest, their access is immediately revoked.
- Access to the room is changed within seconds after the length of the stay has been changed.
What are the limitations of the integration?
- There are currently no known limitations of the integration.
How can I disconnect the apps?
Please contact 4SUITES support to disconnect.
How can I get support?
The easiest and fastest way to inform us about your problem is by filling in the form on the 4SUITES website and submitting your ticket.
In case of a big emergency (major issues, escalation, multiple locks not working, etc…) please call: +31880182990
Below is an excerpt of our FAQs, please visit our website for a more detailed list of 4SUITES FAQs.
Which technology do 4 SUITES use? All 4SUITES products use the Internet of Things (IoT) and NFC as technology for our intelligent access solution. For you, this means the fastest, most secure, flexible, and future-proof access platform.
Do guests need to install an App? No download or login is necessary! Guests will receive an email or text message with a link to a secure web app that they can open in the browsers on their phones. Here they can access all doors available.
What happens if the WiFi breaks down? If the 4SUITES system is on the WiFi system and the WiFi breaks down, you will only be able to use keycards. As a backup, we could install mobile routers, so everything is still online if the WiFi network has an outage. For guests, there is no issue if they have a 4G/5G internet connection (who doesn’t?) to use mobile keys. Otherwise, they will also need to switch to keycards temporarily.
Do you offer kiosk options? Yes, we have kiosk partners that already have the 4SUITES technology integrated. Contact us for all the possibilities!
Do you offer installation services? Yes, we can offer the complete project from A-Z. 4SUITES works with certified installation partners in many regions.